
Your ego is not your amigo

Carrying a big ego is dangerous business.

It starts with receiving a compliment to expecting them on a daily basis, and eventually narcissism, attention seeking and seeking approval from the same sex. - Here's a few common traits of an EGO AMIGO.

  1. When there's more photos on their phone of them than actual scenery and other people.
  2. Ego lifting - when they've racked up more weight than they're physically comfortable with and their spotter is doing half the work for them.
  3. They've got a nack for coming across like a cock to Joe public.
  4. They don't ask people questions and prefer to talk about themselves. - (mega one here.)
  5. They believe posting pics of them half naked provides value instead of giving out constructive information that could help others.

One of the greatest lessons I've learned is that this type of behaviour often leads to some serious type of self destruction, drink, drugs, cheating, over training, porn, gambling and other positive feedback loops that's are hard to break.

Your ego is nothing more than your opinion of yourself and how you want others to perceive you - to let go of that narcissistic attitude you need to learn how to love yourself for who you really are - and to discover that you're going to have to go on one hell of a personal journey! ⠀⠀



5 Nov, 2018
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