
What would you do if...


I've skydived, bungee jumped, scuba dived and god knows what else, but at the time I was afraid! I'm terrible with heights and I can't swim for shit and it took a lot to overcome that! Now I'd probably aim to hit some big jumps and rails snowboarding.

Many people never achieve something that's totally in their capacity to do because of fear, the "WHAT IF'S" set in... Most of my what if's are exactly the same of everybody else's... Ready?

The two biggest fears people have are DEATH and SOCIAL HUMILIATION.

So weather it's going a gym or hiring a coach to help you, instead of thinking "what if I look stupid" or "I don't want him judging me" - Think instead "this guy spends his life helping people just like me achieve their dreams - and the results prove it." "I can do this for myself, I deserve this for my future."

Kick fear in the dick!

This is a great question to ask yourself! - comment below with your answers!



14 Dec, 2018
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