
"I just haven't got the time!"

Some people just never seem to have the time!

It’s work time, family time, TV time, cleaning time, baby time, Miller time! WHATEVER!

One of the most common sentences I hear is “I don’t have time….. to train, prep food, sleep, etc.

We all lead busy lives, we all have shit to do and stuff going on, fact of the matter is we need to be organized and have strong priorities in place to achieve new things, saying you just don’t have time for 99% of the population simply isn’t truthful, be honest with yourself and instead say: “X isn’t a something I want bad enough to put effort into."

I’ve worked with hundreds of people over the years, single mums, self employed business owners, shift workers, nurses, police etc and the one thing that stands out is the best results came from the most organised people!

Finding the time is down to you and being organised is a KEY part of forming a solid routine!

I keep my clients organised by using my Online Coaching Platform, delivering workouts, check-ins, tracking their steps, sleep and mood. It all adds up… And what it adds up to is RESULTS!

Kyle R

1 Jul, 2018
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